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Whenever we have a non-paying renter that we may have to evict, unhappy owners always have questions:

“Why won’t they pay?”
“Have you tried getting tough with them?”
“Why did you approve these people in the first place?”
“You didn’t see this coming?”

The loss of a paying tenant is a big disappointment, especially to us at Red Roof Rentals. But more importantly it means the property owner loses money through unpaid rent and possible eviction legal fees.

Can a good property manager prevent renters in your property from “going bad”? To answer that, let’s assume that a tenant was wisely screened and carefully approved to rent. We have found the following to be some of the most common
reasons that problems paying rent arise for tenants in possession:

  • Death in the family
  • Drug use begun during tenancy
  • Relationship problems / Divorce
  • Sudden unemployment
  • Holiday money mismanagement (esp. Christmas & July 4th)
  • Health issues

Obviously, no one can foresee challenges like these that affect someone’s ability to pay their rent. They just happen and are beyond the control of the property manager. Regardless of many years of experience, no manager can eliminate all the risks of renting out your property. However, at Red Roof Rentals we work hard to minimize risks as much as possible for you, the property owner. And when renters “go bad”, Red Roof takes immediate action to either collect all rents due OR to quickly and legally remove the renter from the property. You have placed your valuable rental property into our hands and we take our stewardship of it seriously, doing all that we can to deal wisely with once good renters that have now gone bad.
