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Back in the late 60’s, when I was a student at Wilson High in the West End of Tacoma, my insecure freshman hometown was constantly being given a swirly by the cool “collar turned up” senior men and women up in Seattle.

Oh, you’re from the armpit of the state?
So how does the City of Destiny smell today?
You just keep that Aroma of Tacoma to yourselves!

Like me exiting the showers after l0th grade gym class, Tacoma was the object of much towel snapping by those seniors from up North who thought themselves superior in all ways.

But oh my, how things have changed! The football jock who once mocked-to-tears the dorky girl that worked in the AV room now brings her flowers, compliments and … money! The Emerald City now fights 1-5 traffic Monday thru Friday to pursue The City of Destiny.

Yes, Seattle has fallen in love with Tacoma!

Seattle has sucked up to Tacoma for one reason and one reason only … affordable housing. Buying or renting, Tacoma is “HALF PRICE CITY” to our Emerald City friends!

Anyone owning real estate in Tacoma REJOICES over this because Seattle and King County “pressure” is what has pushed rental rates in Tacoma UP UP UP! … between 6-12% per year for the least 4 years!

Consider what $1,600/month gets you in each city:

Seattle – A 400 square foot basement studio apartment in Lower Queen Anne, no garage, no
street parking spot.

Tacoma – A 1,400 square foot 3 bedroom / 2 bath home in Central Tacoma with a garage.

Now you know why Southbound traffic on 1-5 coming into Tacoma around the Fife curve comes to a crawl every work day afternoon … it’s Seattle workers fighting their way home to TACOMA, plain and simple.

And the forecast for 2018 and beyond? Well Nostradamus I am not, but I predict maybe 2-3 more years of rent rate increases … until Tacoma rental rates approximate those in Seattle.

Bad for the freeway but good for people that own rentals in Tacoma … and good for Seattle workers that can’t afford Seattle rents anymore.

No more towel snapping … no more name calling … Seattle and Tacoma are now best friends!
