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GOOD REFERENCES – The importance of doing the right things!

Ever wondered WHY people get denied when they apply to rent?

  • 56% – Negative information from references
    (past rental & employment references obtained by phone calls)
  • 24% – Criminal history (obtained from national databases)
  • 19% – Really bad credit (obtained from national databases)
  • 14% – Eviction issues (obtained from national databases)

(NOTE – Some applicants were denied for multiple reasons)

We all know that criminal history, bad credit and past evictions hurt your chances to rent again. This information is typically gathered by a computer searching a national database, computer talking to computer, no human contact involved, very impersonal.

But who would have guessed the great importance of good references?

Verifying your rental and employment references is usually done by phone,  one person talking to another. The property manager asks questions and your landlord (or employer) gives answers, answers that, as it turns out, are the most important factor to your getting accepted or denied as a potential renter.

Managers ask employers how long have you been on the job, are you in good standing there and if you might be laid off soon. Managers ask past landlords if you paid rent on time, took good care of your rental and if they would rent to you again. This information is gathered in a more personal way.

So what should you do to avoid rejection when you apply for a new place to live? The answer is: develop and maintain good personal relationships with your present landlord and employer. Yes, criminal, credit and eviction problems are going to really hurt your chances of approval, but you would be surprised how some really good personal references from your employer and your landlord can help overcome those problems.
