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“Can’t you just find a good renter for my property and then let me manage it myself?”

“Can’t you just find a good renter for my property and then let me manage it myself?”

Let’s check this out, shall we?

So let’s just say that a property manager agrees to do this for you… to find a tenant for your rental home for a fee of… oh, let’s say $500.

He will do the following for you:

  • Order a sign to be put up
  • Advertise and show the home to interested parties
  • Screen all applications & approve the best one.

Then, after the manager has approved a renter for your property, you will need to take over and do the following:

  • Find a quality rental agreement
  • Have them sign it
  • Collect their security deposit
  • Prepare a “Move-In Condition Report”, with photos
  • Check them in to the property
  • Verify that utilities have been transferred into their name
  • Take their phone calls when something breaks… at 3 AM!
  • Find competent people to do necessary repairs affordably
  • Periodically drive-by to check on the property condition
  • Periodically give them notice and go inspect the interior
  • Make them follow all the rules of their rental agreement
  • Serve them with a 3 DAY NOTICE when they fail to pay rent
  • Appear in court for “Unlawful Detainer” (eviction) hearings
  • When they vacate, go do a “Move Out Condition Report”
  • Give them an accounting of the security deposit you are holding
  • Take them to “Small Claims Court” if damages exceed the deposit.

HHhhhmmmm… how does this look to you? The property manager gets $500 for a few hours work and you get… a headache! Are you still sure your idea is such a good one? Looks to me like the guy with the $500 for the best part of the deal!

We won’t find a renter for a fee because we just don’t think it’s a good idea for you… and what’s “GOOD FOR YOU” is something that we here at Red Roof Rentals, LLC think about!

Property management is not for everyone and requires BOTH a love of working with people and a willingness to move swiftly and firmly with tenants that violate their rental agreement or fail to maintain YOUR RENTAL PROPERTY.

Give us a call and find out how little it actually costs to enjoy PEACE OF MIND with your rental properties.
